
王大凡是一位高产的人物瓷板画大师,民间流传四条屏居多,例如 五子登科 渔樵耕读 四大美女 春夏秋冬 八仙过海 琴棋书画 等等。王大凡是将国画艺术和诗、书、画、印运用到陶瓷装饰上的杰出代表,其传世的近千幅艺术作品,充分体现了以诗入画,以画孕诗,诗画结合的艺术风貌。如果说他早年的作品用画笔向人们讲述一个动人的故事,那么他中年的作品就是传达一种禅意,晚年的作品则表达了一种精神境界。中国画大家林风眠、潘天寿、周昌谷、吴山明等称王大凡是一位艺术修养极高的“陶瓷文人画大师”,如果不是当时景德镇环境闭塞,缺乏宣传, “大凡先生人物画艺术造诣可以与海上大家相媲美。

Wang Dafan is a high-yielding figure porcelain painting master. There are many folk stories about the four lines, such as Wuzi Dengke, Yuqiao Geng, four beauties, spring, summer, autumn and winter, Eight Immortals crossing the sea, Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, and so on. Wang Dafan is an outstanding representative of applying traditional Chinese painting and poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing to ceramic decoration. His nearly one thousand handed down works of art fully embody the artistic style of combining poetry with painting, pregnant poetry with painting and combining poetry with painting. If his early works tell a moving story to people with a brush, then his middle-aged works convey a kind of Zen, and his later works express a kind of spiritual realm. Lin Fengmian, Pan Tianshou, Zhou changgu and Wu Shanming, the masters of Chinese painting, called Wang Dafan a "master of ceramic literati painting" with high artistic accomplishment. If it were not for the closed environment and lack of publicity in Jingdezhen at that time, "Mr. Dafan's artistic attainments in figure painting could be comparable to those of the masters on the sea.


In his 60 years of painting career, Wang Dafan not only created the technique of "floor to floor pastel", but also depicted the carefree characters vividly with the characteristics of part-time writing, rigorous conception and fluent use of pen. Pen with strong lines, like the traditional line drawing method of Gaogu Yousi description, iron line description, center pen, simple, thick, mellow. The characters' faces are depicted delicately, and the light and shade changes are emphasized. There are the sketch relationship and light and shadow changes in western paintings. The halo dyeing technique is unique, and the three-dimensional sense is strong. The products are well preserved and have high collection value!


This group of four screen porcelain paintings, with the Eight Immortals crossing the sea as the theme, use pen, line and strong color, similar to the traditional line drawing method, such as Gaogu line drawing and iron line drawing. Signature promotion is simple, thick, mellow, unique and decorative. The Eight Immortals' faces are exquisitely depicted, and they pay attention to the changes of light and shade. They have the sketch relationship and the changes of light and shadow in western paintings. The halo dyeing technique is unique and the three-dimensional sense is strong. In addition, the background of the figure painting of eight immortals is lush trees, wild flowers and mountain flowers, dyed black, grass green, emerald green and dark green, with meticulous brushwork. This group of eight immortals cross the sea four screen paintings can not only reflect their personal painting style, but also make the works exude rich elegance, which is very pleasing to the eye. The works convey infinite information from the limited pictures, which can be called excellent works in the aspects of painting meaning, painting implication and painting environment.

在其落款上常用:书法以行书为佳,飘逸俊美,平平见精妙,精审且遒丽。题款时多是在诗文后再落干支姓名款。 该四条屏瓷板画是王大凡传世精品力作之一《八仙图》。瓷极平整,釉面润泽,题材吉祥如意,运用浅降和粉彩工艺,画面淡雅、古朴、稚气可爱,局部见有蛤蜊光,边框完整、精美是为传世精品之作,具有很高的收藏和经济价值。纵观画面,四条屏构图相仿,个个生动活泼、憨态可掬,可谓形神兼备,妙趣横生。尤其线条飘逸洒脱、自然、动感十足,再加上周边环境的衬托,使得整个场面更显和谐,充满着勃勃生机。将八仙的逍遥自然的神态用一种釉色轻快明丽的方式展现出来,有一种呼之欲出的奇妙感觉,此时此景非常令人神往

It is often used in its signature: running calligraphy is the best, elegant and beautiful, plain and exquisite, exquisite and elegant. Most of the money is written after the poems. The painting is one of Wang Dafan's masterpieces, the painting of eight immortals. The porcelain is very smooth, the glaze is moist, and the theme is auspicious. By using light falling and pastel technology, the picture is elegant, simple, childish and lovely. Some parts have clam light, and the frame is complete and exquisite. It is a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation, which has high collection and economic value. Throughout the picture, the composition of the four screens is similar, each lively, naive, can be described as both form and spirit, full of wit. In particular, the lines are elegant, free and easy, natural and dynamic, coupled with the surrounding environment, making the whole scene more harmonious and full of vitality. The Eight Immortals' carefree and natural manner is shown in a light and bright way of glaze color, which has a wonderful feeling that is ready to come out. At this time, this scene is very fascinating


In 2009, the highest price of Wang Dafan's porcelain plate paintings was only one million yuan. In 2011, the transaction price of a single screen rose to 9.2 million yuan. In two years, the transaction price of Wang Dafan's porcelain plate paintings rose nearly 10 times. This time, the price of Wang Dafan's porcelain plate paintings was nearly ten million yuan, which sent a message to the market, In the same period with Wang Dafan, "eight friends of Zhushan" and other artists' works will generally rise in price. Collectors have turned their attention to the modern literati porcelain paintings while accepting the official kiln wares. This makes modern ceramics more and more attention by collectors, and has become a new hot spot of art market investment. Experts predict that in the next decade, the collection of porcelain plate paintings will be the general trend.

